The name’s Bond…James Bond.

It’s was a gorgeous day yesterday here in the Uk, last night it stayed above 17 degrees all night. I’ve been off all this week having a bit of “me time”, so when our neighbours suggested that we might all wander down the local pub for a cider, Phil & I jumped at the chance.
We got back about 8:30 pm and their kids were watching the Daniel Craig version of Casino Royal, so we adults settled down to watch it too (I still think it was the best Bond film yet!). It got to the scene where Bond & Vesper Lynd are in the hotel in bed and she is about to betray him, she gets out of bed and pulls on a red dress. Our neighbour’s wife said: “look at that, she’s not wearing any knickers, what a tart!”
Hmmm….I saw Phil look at me & I knew exactly what he was thinking!!
Now why would the fact that a girl has not got any underwear on beneath her dress make her a Tart? The reason I ask that is because I have been known to go commando on occasions! (see:
I realise that if a girl does that sort of thing she really should wear a suitably long dress or skirt and you obviously have to be careful about how you sit/get out of a car and things like that, but is it such a sin to want your bits to be free to breath?
I’m not advocating we should all try becoming Paris Hilton or Britney Spears, those girls did it for effect, but hey, it is quite nice to be out and about dressed appropriately knowing you don’t have underwear on.

A blast from the past!

Phil (my husband) suggested that I should mention something that happened a few weeks ago that could be of interest to some of you.
As you all know, I have a special interest in the subject of female ejaculation, I have mentioned it in several of my blogs and I have even written a whole piece about it in an attempt to explain what it is that makes me come the way I do. I am so passionate about it that back in 2002 I set up a Group on MSN called “the Wet Patch” that for a while was officially one of the top ten most read groups on MSN!It was aimed at both men as well as women and was deliberately not “adult” so that younger people could access it for guidance and information. In time it became too much for me to cope with so I took on an assistant manager who ultimately assumed full control of it when I decided to pull out. She took it in a different direction, which was a pity as I still think that there is a shortage of non-sensational information on that subject in the media.
Anyway, back to this piece, about a month ago I found a reply to my post about FE from someone who used to be a regular correspondent on the old Wet Patch. To cut a long story short, she had read my blog in which I talked about the time I attempted to “teach” my very close friends Jacky and her husband Garry how to achieve female ejaculation. She wondered if I would consider coaching her and her husband in a similar manner.
I have to say that the idea did appeal to me and I gave it a lot of thought and was on the verge of agreeing as she had generously offered to pay my expenses and even suggested that Phil should accompany me to act as a chaperone, however my very good cyber-friend Joy Nelson of Tantrachick pointed out that I had more than enough on my plate with all the other crap that was (and still is) going on in my life, so I put Christine and Paul off for the time being. But the option is still very much on the table, I think I would find it quite rewarding if it all worked.
I just need to invest in some surgical quality latex gloves!!

attitude and comfort zone

This year has been an interesting one from the perspective of how we approach certain things. Take Phil for example, last spring he was diagnosed with Peyronies disease (a build up of plaque in the erectile tissue of the penis which causes painful erections and ejaculations, curving of the penis, sometimes quite alarmingly and in some cases erectile dysfunction). Our family doctor is a woman, so I half expected Phil to say that he would much rather see a male doctor about such an intimate issue. But I was wrong! In fact he stated that he felt more comfortable talking to a woman doctor about this, not to mention undergo the examination!! It’s not that he is homophobic, but he feels that having his most treasured possession handled, even for medical reasons, is best undertaken by a member of the opposite sex. It is a comfort thing.
Me, on the other hand, I would much rather be seen/examined by a member of my own gender! I remember some years ago having to call out the emergency doctor after falling down stairs and landing on my coccyx, fracturing it in two places. That entailed a rather intimate exam, including a “fickle finger of fate” up the back passage! The male doctor who came out was not only young enough to be my son, but was also rather dishy! Not that I was in any state to notice too much at the time……
In May, I had a Tantric massage, including a yoni massage, all done expertly by a female therapist that I felt completely at ease with. I didn’t even feel embarrassed when I climaxed. I’m not so sure that I would have given myself so completely to a male therapist. Again, it is a comfort thing.
That same female therapist saw me and Phil on Monday evening. She taught me how to give a non sexual massage to his lingam (penis), she also showed me how to use the squeeze technique when he felt he was about to ejaculate, as well as teach him deep breathing techniques to help control his urges. It’s just as well he feels more comfortable with members of the opposite sex!! I think he rather enjoyed being fussed by two women like that!

An unusual day at work!!

I don’t normally talk about my job, I try to keep it totally separate from my life here on WordPress, but today something happened that made me think “I wonder how many people get into this sort of situation at work?”
I am a community health practitioner, working with new mums and children under 5. Part of my job involves making home visits and today was one of those days. I was with a family I have been involved with for two years, they have a 3 year old boy and a 10 week old baby girl. Mum has been having problems breastfeeding (a major part of my remit is dealing with breastfeeding issues) so I had been there to observe and help. This was my 3rd visit of the day and I had been offered coffee in my 2 previous visits, so by the time i had concluded my visit here I was in need of a pee. I asked to use the bathroom and was happily sat there when the bathroom door was barged open by number one son (they have taken the locks off doors since the 3 year old had locked himself in a few months ago!), he handed me a towel and said “mummy told me to give you this”, I hadn’t noticed that there were no towels on the rail.
Now this little boy is very bright and articulate and he clearly wanted to stay and chat! Part of me felt I should usher him out but I also felt that acting naturally would be of benefit, so I let him stay while I pulled a length of toilet tissue off the roll & started to wipe myself while we chatted (him: “what you doing?” me: “having a wee “, him: “I use my potty”, me: “Do you think I should use a potty?”…and so the conversation went) I was in mid-wipe, in the hovering stance reaching down between my thighs when Dad appeared on the landing! Dad says “Is this a weird conversation or what?” I couldn’t close the door because number one son was in the way and while I’m sure Dad wasn’t staring at me, I’m also sure he saw a lot more of me than any other parent I deal with will ever get to see! Thankfully, mum comes upstairs & seeing the situation exclaims “Oh for goodness sake you two, can’t a girl have a bit of privacy?” and with that she scoops up number one son, shoves hubby out the way & closes the door!
I just burst out laughing, the whole situation was hilarious! My colleagues certainly thought so when I recounted the tale to them later.
But I have to admit that my next visit to this family will take on a very different ambience, it’s hard to look cool & professional when you’ve got your pants and knickers round your ankles and your hand in your crotch!!

I have a new photo album….

…and this is where you will find it:
As before, the photos contained therein are VERY explicit, so please do not look at it if you are likely to be offended by nudity or strong sexual content.
Those of you who have seen my previous efforts will be used to seeing my lady bits in all their glory!!