A blast from the past!

Phil (my husband) suggested that I should mention something that happened a few weeks ago that could be of interest to some of you.
As you all know, I have a special interest in the subject of female ejaculation, I have mentioned it in several of my blogs and I have even written a whole piece about it in an attempt to explain what it is that makes me come the way I do. I am so passionate about it that back in 2002 I set up a Group on MSN called “the Wet Patch” that for a while was officially one of the top ten most read groups on MSN!It was aimed at both men as well as women and was deliberately not “adult” so that younger people could access it for guidance and information. In time it became too much for me to cope with so I took on an assistant manager who ultimately assumed full control of it when I decided to pull out. She took it in a different direction, which was a pity as I still think that there is a shortage of non-sensational information on that subject in the media.
Anyway, back to this piece, about a month ago I found a reply to my post about FE from someone who used to be a regular correspondent on the old Wet Patch. To cut a long story short, she had read my blog in which I talked about the time I attempted to “teach” my very close friends Jacky and her husband Garry how to achieve female ejaculation. She wondered if I would consider coaching her and her husband in a similar manner.
I have to say that the idea did appeal to me and I gave it a lot of thought and was on the verge of agreeing as she had generously offered to pay my expenses and even suggested that Phil should accompany me to act as a chaperone, however my very good cyber-friend Joy Nelson of Tantrachick pointed out that I had more than enough on my plate with all the other crap that was (and still is) going on in my life, so I put Christine and Paul off for the time being. But the option is still very much on the table, I think I would find it quite rewarding if it all worked.
I just need to invest in some surgical quality latex gloves!!

A new year and a new phase?

Those of you who have followed my previous ramblings here on WordPress will know that Phil (my husband of over 26 years) and I had been sexually adventurous between 2002 & 2008. We dropped out of the swinging scene in the autumn of 08 mainly because the novelty had worn off and we had become a bit disenchanted with it all, a “been there, done that” attitude was growing & we just didn’t want to push the boundaries any further back then.
However, events over the New Year period have sort of rekindled my interest!
We traveled back to London to stay with my parents for Christmas & while we were there we popped round to visit various friends seldom seen since we had moved to the west country nearly 4 years ago.
One particular couple, jacky & Garry, we HAD seen some 18 months previous, but we have a very special relationship with those two so we were particularly pleased to see them & thrilled when they invited us back for the New Year celebrations.
Now, before I go any further I need to give you some background on Jacky & Garry. Jacky is one of my closest & oldest friends, we go back to 1978 & we have absolutely no secrets between us. Jacky (& her husband garry) is the only person who knows about my lifestyle, we have slept together (not in the biblical sense!), sunbathed naked together, been pregnant together, peed together, even changed our tampons in front of one another. In short we are closer than you can imagine. The four of us have been on holiday together, and while I can safely say that our relationship is quite intimate, we have NOT swung with them. When we last saw them 18 months ago, I somehow got talked into “demonstrating” how female ejaculation works in the real world, as opposed to the stuff in adult movies, serves me right for bragging about it I guess!!
Anyway, back to New Years Eve…..we returned from the pub that the celebrations were held at & sat in their lounge while Garry made us all a cup of tea (you can tell we are all over 50 when tea takes preference over alcohol!). Jacky surprised me & Phil by getting straight to the point & saying “you remember you showed us how you were able to ejaculate, well we’ve been trying to do it ever since without success”. I have to say that at 12:30 in the morning I was not quite ready for that!
I said “maybe you are one of those women who can’t ejaculate, though I can never understand why as we are all equipped with the same basic plumbing!!” “Does that mean you want us to show you again?” Phil, ever the opportunist, piped up. “Would you?” said Jacky & Garry, who had joined us, making it hard for anyone to say no!!
We retired to their bedroom & I stripped from the waist down. Phil & I got on the bed & he started to play with me, it was then that I had the idea of getting the other two to join us on the bed so that they could watch more closely & copy what Phil & I did. Picture the scene, four of us on the bed, the two women naked from the waist down while our husbands played with our girly bits!
I soon found that a climax was starting to build & told them to watch closely as Phil dexterously massaged my clitoris with the ball of his thumb while stimulating my Gspot with his index & middle fingers. Sure enough, I got that urge to bear down followed by a spurt of clear fluid. Garry was trying to watch me AND work on Jacky at the same time, she was clearly enjoying the stimulation but no ejaculation was forthcoming.
Phil suggested that Garry should perhaps try playing with my bits to see if he was doing it right & with Jacky’s blessing he switched his attention to me. Other than having to tell him not insert his fingers quite so far up, he was doing it pretty well right. Before long he was rewarded with a jet of ejaculate in the palm of his hand, you can imagine his delight! He returned his attention to Jacky, but despite very careful & gentle stimulation, she climaxed but didn’t ejaculate.
So….what did we learn from all this? Well apart from the obvious, I think Phil & I have found a new outlet for our skills! Maybe we should think about becoming sex instructors. I know there are organisations in the States that provide this service, should we consider setting something similar up here?