Got a bit of time on my hands….

…so I thought i’d bring you all up to speed with what’s been happening in my life!
Back in December i mentioned that I had some family problems to deal with, well they are still problems but I am learning to deal with them in bite sized chunks. First, my Dad is suffering from Alzheimers and this has been getting progressively worse over the past 5 years, but to make things worse, he was diagnosed with cancer some 18 months ago, originally it was a slow growing tumour that needed six monthly checkups, but now it has become far more aggressive and he is now waiting to die. To add to my woes my 89 year old mum had a heart attack in February! This is the same month that Phil started to suffer from gall stones!!!!!
So you can see why I had to curb my activity here on WordPress.
Needless to say my sex life has not been very adventurous of late, so I have no sexy titbits to tempt you with! In fact, for a two week period in April I was sure my yoni was going to heal over as it was not getting any use at all!
However, some good has come from all this, my older sister and I have now become so much closer (for most of our teens we hated each other!), we now are inseparable when we can get together. There is now an intimacy (not in the physical sense!!) between us, we talk about and share so much more than we ever used to. It’s great!
So, dear readers, I am back for a while, maybe I can kick start my sex life again so that I can share some adventures with you.

One response to “Got a bit of time on my hands….

  1. So sorry to hear about all this shit, believe that there WILL be light at the end of the tunnel.
    Take care and glad you are back!

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