News about this blog

I imagine those of you who have been following my ramblings here on wordpress will be wondering why I have been so quiet lately.
Well, the reason is that I have been so busy, with work and family issues that finding the time to write anything of interest has proved impossible.
I am going to be involved in a couple of new projects that will make even more demands on my time, so for the next few months this blog will be “dormant”.
I will still be keeping in touch with the few blogs I follow, posting comments etc. but you will all have to be patient if you want to read anything about my sexlife!!
This would be a good opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous 2012.

3 responses to “News about this blog

  1. I will patiently await your wonderful stories about your journey and your sensual path…I wish you also a Merry Christmas and an incredible 2012 filled with passionate love making, self pleasuring and moments that take your breath away and make your scream out loud YES! Not just YES to sex, or pleasure, but YES to life….may your body be filled with passion and pleasure, may your life be filled with passiona dn pleasure, may your mind be filled with passion and pleasure, may your spirit awaken to and fully embrace passion and pleasure…

    From my heart to yours, Joy

    • I may not be posting much here on this blog, but fret not, I will be posting plenty of comments and opinions on your wonderful blog!
      As for your beautiful wishes…..I’m left speechless. I can only think of “thank you”, but that would be barely adequate.

      • I’m so glad to hear that you will continue to be a presence…the blog without you would be like an apple orchard in the fall, compared to the blog with your presence..and wisdom,,, an abundant summer orchsrd filled with luscious and deliscious appples…

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